Happy Easter to everyone. We traveled to Florida for Eric's spring break to visit my grandparents, and we had a wonderful time. We had a crazy experience getting down there with canceled flights and more delayed flights with two children, but we had a great time once we got there. I'll be posting pictures soon.
After growing up in the church my whole life, being active in my youth group, attending a christian college, and going to chapel 3 days a week throughout college, I've heard a lot of sermons over the years. However, God never ceases to amaze me how I am always learning new things about him and different perspectives. In church on Sunday, I loved what the pastor said about Christ and the resurrection.
He described his loving relationship with his mother first. Then later said that you can't decide to believe in Christ and His resurrection anymore than you decided that your mother was your mother. The evidence for the resurrection is vast (please study up on this if you never have). Your mother simply was and is your mother. Christ simply was and is. The resurrection simply happened. The decision we all have to make is what you do with this information.
We can't simply say, ya I believe in God. If we truly believe and accept Christ, we must give our entire life to him, trust him, obey him, seek to learn more about him, grow in a daily relationship with him, stop living a selfish life and live for him instead.
Thank you, God, for sending your son for me. Your mercy and love is overwhelming!