Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm A Good Boy :)

Shelly took this picture of Blake yesterday while he was eating, and I thought it was just too cute. But, then again I am his mom. Shell watches Blake every week for me, and I'm so grateful to her!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pirate Party

Isn't the cake adorable. I wish I could take credit for this but I can't. We had it made, and she did a great job! The pirate is holding a treasure chest and she had the chocolate gold coins sticking up on top of it. :)

Grandma got him a pirate hat, but he didn't keep it on very long. Eric wore it most of the day :)
Cory, my big brother, his son Jack (right), and Blake
Niece and Nephew, Lilly and Jack

My little bro, Mike, and his son, Jordan sporting
the cool pirate party hat.
Blake had his first birthday party this past weekend up in Michigan. He enjoyed getting to eat cake for a second time and make a mess. We had a pirate theme party, mainly for Eric because he loves pirates. The kids attempted to destroy their first pirate pinata. They didn't make much damage, but we helped them out. I'll put more video clips on later of that. Blake didn't have much of a clue what was going on, but he had fun. Thanks to all our family who came, and Blake thanks you all for the gifts also. He is loving all of them :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Six Months and Counting

Doctor said she had some really long legs. She
was playing with her toes.

This is her heart beating. Doc said the four

chambers of her heart looked healthy :)

See her little left hand wave hi to us :)

I had my second ultrasound today. They went through and looked at all her little parts in detail. Everything looked healthy and normal. Praise the Lord. She is still a girl, so I was thankful for that...seeing as how I've already bought some girl things and the grandmas have too. Due date is September 4th...coming quick :) I'm still in shock.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

1 Year Old

My baby is 1 year old. I can't believe it. Blake's 1st birthday was yesterday, May 9th. We didn't do much because we are having a little birthday party for him in Michigan next weekend. But, we had a lunch date at McDonalds, and Blake got a happy meal. Then, Aunt Shelly came over later, and I made Blake a birthday cake. He really liked it. I think the sugar started hitting him by the end :)
Oh, and if you are wondering what happened to his face. He took his first bad fall a couple of days ago. It was scary, but he was alright. I cried longer than he did. I thank God for all the near misses and pray everyday for them.

Pick Up Your Toys

The toys were suppose to go in the bin, but Blake was having more fun taking them out and climbing in. Why are they so cute when they climb in things?