Saturday, May 10, 2008

1 Year Old

My baby is 1 year old. I can't believe it. Blake's 1st birthday was yesterday, May 9th. We didn't do much because we are having a little birthday party for him in Michigan next weekend. But, we had a lunch date at McDonalds, and Blake got a happy meal. Then, Aunt Shelly came over later, and I made Blake a birthday cake. He really liked it. I think the sugar started hitting him by the end :)
Oh, and if you are wondering what happened to his face. He took his first bad fall a couple of days ago. It was scary, but he was alright. I cried longer than he did. I thank God for all the near misses and pray everyday for them.


Jessica Perry said...

These are great pictures! I can't believe he's already 1 year old...crazy! Looking forward to the big pirate party:)

Kristin said...

what are you doing to this innocent child? he's still cute, even when he's black and blue.