Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pilot Blake

We have a small airport across the street from our house that gives flying lessons. One of my friends gave me the idea of taking Blake over there to see the planes land and take off. There is a picnic table right up close. So, we went over last night, and a nice man saw us watching. He was giving helicopter lessons, and he let Blake come look at his plane and 2 of his helicopters. Blake loved it. He is really loving airplanes, cars, and animals right now. He puts his arms out like an airplane and goes "vroooom." It's so cute.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

(Hey Becky, I don't have a gmail account, so this is my husband's log in) Your kids are so cute! And I love the family picture you put for your banner, it's just beautiful. Just wanted to say Hi to your blog. :)
--Sonya (Weber) Mahajerin

by the way, I love looking at your sister in law's photography blog too...(I *love* photography, and am completely jealous that you have a professional in your family!)