Monday, March 9, 2009

Blake 22 Months

Blake is 22 months old today. He is starting to talk more and more everyday, finally starting to try to repeat things we say.

Some of his words are: mama, dada, lalala (layla), pa (for gpa), ma (for gma), jor (jordan), je (jess), shh (shelly), bri (brian), all the names of his cars (from the cars movie), babu (vroom vroom), row row (row row row your boat), choo choo (train), brush, nana (banana), blue, red, boo (book), mi (milk), ju (juice), baple (apple), hiiii (hi), bye bye, ba (baxter), lots of animal noises.

His favorite things are cars. Lines them up, pushes them off things, sends them down the slide, sleeps with them, hides them, and takes them everywhere with him. He also likes trains, airplanes, books, playing outside, and his dada. He loves his mama too, but he is a daddy's boy. One of my favorite parts of the day is to see him run to eric when he comes home from work.

He warms up to Layla more as she is getting older. He can be mean to her too, but he really likes it when she laughs at him. I love my little guy so much and thank God everyday for blessing me with him!


Alaskiana said...

Pictures please!!

Are you guys still living at the same place we visisted? Are you working your flower shop out of your basement?

Jessica Perry said...

Good job Blake! He's saying a lot of words! I went through those clothes this morning and many look like they'll work perfect. THANK YOU!!!