Monday, November 3, 2008

The Parent/Person You Want To Be

Becoming a parent has really made me reflect on who I am as a person and who I want to be. Ever since Blake was born, I have wanted to really sit down with Eric and get on the same page on our goals for parenting our kids. However, every time I thought about it, it was such an overwhelming task. There is so much to think about when it comes to parenting. Where do I start?

I wanted to find a book that dealt with parenting issues, so I went searching. A lot of parenting books are for parents of older children who are dealing more with discipline/teaching their children about God/etc. I'm starting to get to that point with Blake, but I'm not quite there yet.

Something God has taught both Eric and I by our parents and others is that who you are as a person has more of an impact on your kids than anything you verbally teach them (although that is important too). I ended up finding a great parenting book that has this message at the heart of it. It is called "The Parent You Want To Be," by Les and Leslie Parrott. I would add that it is really about the person I think everyone would want to be. The book has you look at your pasts individually and then has you and your spouse go through questions together. The authors' website has a link for you to do this activity in case any of you would like to. I thought I would include it. Hope you find this interesting :) We sure have :)


Jessica Perry said...

I checked out their website. I'm excited to get that book! Have you guys started reading it?

Kristin said...

nice post...btw, i LOVE the family pic of you...wanna see more:)

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