Friday, October 31, 2008

Night Before the Big Hunt

Jack, isn't he a cutie :)

Lilly and Layla. Lilly was being a little shy :) We got more really cute ones of them together with my mom's camera though.

Grandpa Perry and Layla

Like father like son :)

Jordan and JackGot the beanie at baby gap. I just love it :) We are practicing keeping it on :)

Eric and my brothers, Cory and Mike, went on a bird hunting trip to Pennslyvania. We all got together the night before. These are a few pics from that.


Kristin said...

thanks for posting lilly and jack, i haven't seen them in a while. ALL the kids look so big to me. Layla looks so much like you (especially in the pic with lilly) it's scary! well, not scary, she will be a knockout. the pics of blake are so funny...he's a little stud muffin. does he mind the hat?

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