Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

I love this picture. (eric took it)

What is this stuff?Oooo, candy is good :)

He was trying to fit his sucker and his binky in his mouth at the same time :)

We had fun trick or treating. We just went to a few houses around our neighborhood. Blake was still figuring this whole halloween thing out. He put all of his candy in his trunk instead of the halloween bucket I bought him. He sure liked eating a few pieces when he got home :)


Kristin said...

hahaha! the kids look cute. i love that he used his trunk instead of the pumpkin basket...oh, blakey boy.

Jessica Perry said...

Both kids look so cute! That really is too funny how similar our pictures look!!

Anonymous said...

These are great! I love the new family photo in the header also.

Happy Halloween!!

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