Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fall Family Pics


Shelly did another amazing job taking pictures of us a couple of months ago. It's always so much work taking family pictures when you have little ones. Shell is becoming a professional funny face maker, funny noise maker, and dancer :) Thanks again, Shell!!

Blake is a little over 19 months now and Layla is 3 1/2 months. Blake is really into cars, trains, and airplanes. Layla is smiling a lot at us now and even laughing a little. They are a lot of work, but such a blessing!


Anonymous said...

Fantastic Pictures! I love all the hats. How exciting your flower business is picking up! Sounds like things are great for you-- Merry Christmas. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm such a sinner! I totally covet your family photographer connection! LOL. Amazing photos, though I must say her job is probably easy with such a good looking family. Merry Christmas to all 4 of you. It's so good to be able to look in on you at this blog spot!