Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Eric's cousin, Blake, his wife, Angie, and their two kids, Brooklyn and Riley, came down for a visit this past weekend. I didn't get very many pics, but here are a few. We went to the zoo. They had a halloween zoo boo this weekend. The kids were all dressed up in their costumes and they had trick or treating for them and other things too. Riley was a lady bug, and Brooklyn was the little mermaid. Their kids are so adorable. Blake is going to be a monkey this year. That's one of the animal noises he makes. He's so cute in his costume. I couldn't believe he stayed in it all day :)


Kristin said...

blake looks so comfy and cozy all bundled up in his little monkey costume! i want to hear his monkey sounds:)

Jessica Perry said...

That looks like a lot of fun! I like the monkey costume...where did you find that?